Health and Fitness

10 Unique Vegetarian Protein | How to Add to Your Diet

If you’re a vegetarian looking for suggestions on how to include protein in your diet, you’ll hear a lot of “egg” jokes. But if you look at it from a different direction and are creative about where you get your protein from then you don’t have to hear them anymore. We’ve found that there are many natural ways to get protein like soybeans and quinoa (and yes, eggs do have them) but they can be elusive when trying to fill up on something delicious! That’s why we’ve made this list of 10 foods which includes loads of protein while still maintaining their healthy reputation.

There are many different vegetarian protein sources that you can choose from to help you meet your daily protein requirements. Living as a vegetarian or vegan can be difficult as you need to ensure that you get enough protein in your diet. If you eat a variety of plant-based foods, you can ensure that you avoid common nutrient deficiencies, but you will still need to balance your diet with some protein sources to ensure that you get the correct amount of protein. This blog will look at some of the most common vegetarian protein sources that are available and how easy it is to incorporate them into your diet.

vegetarian Protein-Seitan

  • It is a great source of protein: Consisting of high levels of protein, Seitan is a great alternative to processed meat or meat replacement products.
  • It is a great source of dietary fiber: It is also a great source of dietary fiber. It is gluten-free, making it a safe option for anyone who is sensitive to gluten or is suffering from celiac disease.
  • It is a healthy, nutrient-dense food that is high in protein.
  • It is a gluten-free food that is an excellent source of protein for vegetarians, vegans, and people with gluten intolerance.
  • It is a versatile protein source that can be sautéed, grilled, baked, boiled, and fried.
  • Free from cholesterol and Contains dietary fiber
  • It is an excellent source of protein
  • Boosts immunity and energy levels
  • Assists in digestion

Greek Yoghurt

  • Greek yoghurt can be used as a substitute for mayonnaise in sandwiches and burgers, for cream in smoothies and for sour cream in casseroles.
  • It can be used as a base for salad dressing.
  • Greek yoghurt is a good source of protein and calcium.
  • It is a type of yoghurt that is strained to remove the whey, which makes it more thick and creamy than regular yoghurt.
  • It’s a great source of protein and calcium.
  • It contains probiotics.
  • It can help in improving bone health, boosting metabolism, improving gut health,
  • Low in sugar: This yoghurt is ideal for people with diabetes or if you are on weight-loss diets.
  • Easiness to digest: This yoghurt is easy to digest, thanks to its probiotic content.
  • Cost effective: Greek yogurt is made from the whole milk, which means it is more cost-effective than skimmed or low-fat yoghurt.
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greek yoghurt


  • A complete protein, providing all essential amino acids
  • A good source of calcium and iron
  • Helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes, reduce cancers,
  • Low in saturated fat, calories and cholesterol
  • It’s a good source of omega-3 Fatty acids.
  • It can help to lower cholesterol levels.
  • It is high in fibre.
  • It is low in saturated fat and cholesterol free
  • It is a good source of iron.
  • It helps to prevent anaemia.
  • It can help to prevent cancer.


Tempeh is an amazing food that has been historically underrated. It’s made from fermented soybeans and available in rolls or pieces. With remarkable nutritional profiles, it’s one of the top choices for vegetarians who are avoiding meat. Study conducted by researchers at Iowa State University showed similar results (20). One essentially ate a high-protein diet that included either soy-based or meat-based protein for 2 weeks to see how eating each affected weight loss and appetite after 14 days.

It was observed that both the diets led to weight loss, a reduction in appetite, and increase in fullness with no significant difference between the two protein sources! One serving of tempeh contains approximately 15 grams of protein – which blows away beef, chicken and pork. 1 cup (227 g) of tempeh contains 62% of your daily recommended calcium intake. Because it’s fermented and contains some probiotics, soybean phytates are broken down so they can be properly digested.

Tempeh is made from fermented soybeans and as many vegetarians know, it’s a popular replacement for meat to include in their diet. In one recent study conducted by the Duke University Medical Centre on 20 obese men treated with a high protein diet in which whatsoever foods are cultivated from plant sources, found that both helped them lower their appetites, increase fullness levels, and start losing weight.


Lentils are a powerful source of protein! With over 6 grams of protein in a single cup, lentils are quickly becoming the go-to food for vegetarians.

Lentils, a protein powerhouse that can help you achieve everything from weight loss to clearer skin.

Packed with concentrated amounts of protein, lentils are one of the most nutrient dense foods available. They fill you up with a slim amount of calories and carbohydrates, plus they’re very alkaline so they can help fight cellular aging in your body.

They’re also extremely easy to make and can be incorporated into a variety of different meals including soups (like dal), salads or even hearty main courses. When eaten on a frequent basis there are plenty of health benefits like helping lower the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer because of their antioxidant content.

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Edamame, which translates to bean on the edge is a legume mostly consumed in Japan. These light green beans are harvested at their immature stage and are mainly used in many dishes as a replacement for soybeans or green peas without making any difference to the taste of your meal.

A cup or about 155 gms of edamame contains about 18.5gm’s of protein and it also has a low carbohydrate and glycemic index count which makes them an extremely popular vegetable snack among people who are trying to control their sugar levels or have diabetes.

Edamame beans, or green soybeans as they are also known, are a nutrient rich soybean snack that can be consumed raw. They provide up to 18.5 grams of dietary protein per cup and are a popular choice with those looking to avoid animal protein

sources such as red meat due to their cholesterol lowering properties and low fat content.


  • A diet that is rich in chickpeas have been proved to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels, controlling blood sugar and can also help in reducing belly fat.
  • A cup of cooked chickpeas contains 15 gms of protein, which is higher than most beans and is also a great source of carbohydrates, iron, fibers, folate, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and a host of other beneficial nutrients.
  • They are also great sources of carbohydrates, iron, fibers, folate, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and a host of other beneficial nutrients.
  • Chickpeas are high in protein and are a good vegetarian source of meat protein.
  • Chickpeas are high in fiber and low in fat.
  • Chickpeas have been shown in several studies to help in lowering cholesterol levels in the body, control blood sugar and can even help in reducing belly fat.
  • Chickpeas are rich in folate, potassium, manganese, phosphorous, iron, fibers and a host of other beneficial nutrients.

Chia Seeds

  • Great for weight loss: They are rich in fiber which helps the person to feel full for a longer period of time, thereby controlling hunger and cravings.
  • Great for digestion: It helps to enhance the digestive system and also helps to get rid of constipation.
  • Great for energy: They are high in energy and helps to stay active and energetic.
  • Chia seeds can be used in a variety of ways like they can be used in salads, smoothies or eaten raw.
  • A natural source of protein: One tablespoon of chia seeds contain 3 gms of protein.
  • Phytochemicals: Chia seeds are a rich source of phytochemicals.
  • Chia seeds are a good source of calcium and magnesium.
  • Rich in Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Chia seeds are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Rich in Fiber: Chia seeds are 40% fiber, making it one of the best fiber sources in the world.
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Protein-rich and packed with heart-healthy fats, peanuts are an awesome source of protein. Every half cup serving will come in with around 20.5 grams of protein. They can be easily added to your daily diet as a snack or as part of a routine meal.

Peanuts are great for your cardiovascular system since they contain high amounts of biotin, copper, niacin, manganese, phosphorus, vitamin E and magnesium! If you’re diabetic or simply trying to add more healthy fats into your diet, this is a perfect food for you!

Nutritional Yeast

Nutritional yeast is a delicious little food with quite the health benefits. It’s fortified with vitamins, protein, and fiber and can be sprinkled over just about anything! Some of our favorites include popcorn, desserts like chocolate mousse and triple berry cobbler or just about anything for some extra flavor like mashed potatoes and rice. Not only are we sharing recipes that you can use nutritional yeast in with this article, but we’re also going to show you how to find it when you shop at the co-op due to its popularity!

Final Verdict

A vegetarian diet is a plant-based diet that excludes meat and animal products. This diet can be a healthy way to eat, but it can be challenging to get all the vitamins and minerals you need each day. You need to eat a variety of foods to ensure you get all the nutrients your body needs. A vegetarian eating pattern can provide all the nutrients you need. Protein is important for growth, maintenance, and repair of tissues in your body. You need protein to make new cells, and it helps you feel full and satisfied.

Protein also provides the energy you need for daily activities. Protein can be found in many foods, including beans, soy products, nuts, seeds, and whole grains. If you’re a vegetarian looking for suggestions on how to include proteins in your diet, you must often meet disbelieving stares and standard replies such as, “Why don’t you just start having eggs”? A bunch of vegetarian foods come in with high quantities of protein to help you lead a healthy lifestyle without

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